Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And ..... a-c-t-i-o-n

The maintenance man installed new guts in my toilet yesterday. In less than 10 minutes, he had fixed what I had agonized over for weeks. I almost expected a scolding for wearing it out. Instead, I got a pleasant few minutes discussing his tool "purse."

As an extra bonus, he carried out the ugly brown worn out platform rocker. I did not realize how much space it took up in my living room, nor how removing one major piece of furniture would change my mental outlook. Now I may have to rearrange things, though I cannot do it by myself. Right now though, I am enjoying the spaciousness -- all a part of the minimalist me.
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I wimped out yesterday. Now I owe double. I keep tabs on me, you see. Sometimes people disappoint me. Do my expectations exceed reality? You bet. Remember, I hold you to a lesser standard than I do myself. I guess we all do that, though. No wonder the world reels.
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I will celebrate when this eating jag subsides. Seems as though nothing satisfies. For supper last night, I roasted a yellow squash, a quarter of a large onion and three carrots. I seasoned them with Emeril's Italian and garlic powder. I ate it all and had ice cream for dessert. I finally went to bed rather than eat more.
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Talked to Karen yesterday. Nice reconnecting.
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I still mourn what might have been.

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