Monday, May 17, 2010

Willies & wonky

I am this close to becoming ill. Yesterday I had a sore throat. Today I have a tickle.  More than a year has passed since I was last sick.

 I am cold. I cover up, fall asleep. I awaken with my back wet.

Because of all the meds I take, relief is not a matter of grabbing the bottle of liquid green stuff and sleeping it off. In my pre-PH days, the green stuff served as an elixir. In pre-diagnosed days, I seldom fell ill.
* * *
One of my goodest friends called yesterday. Thirty years of my life. Almost half. Zowie. Thanks for thinking of me.
* * *
Today, I seem to have a stuffy mind.

I miss you, dude.


1 comment:

  1. I hope you're not coming down with something! It's never fun being sick, and especially for us since we're limited on what we can take. Just keep sleeping if it's helping. Make sure you're getting fluids, too! HUGS!
