Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today I will bake a strawberry cake. The recipe's popularity waned toward the end of the century, but was a staple at church picnics, etc., for years. The cake today honors the birthday of my godson's wife. At least one cat I know liked this cake.

Yesterday, I cleaned out the cabinet where I store the dishes. I tossed an old skillet and made room for my new stock pot. I also cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. Though productive, I spent lots of time restoring out of place objects to their proper home where I would then find something else that needed doing. I hate cleaning like that beause the evidence of the hard work does not show.

Today started out tired. I see a nap in my future and it may be sooner rather than later. All these messy drawers and cabinets call to me like the sirens did to Odysseus. We shall see how long I can resist.

White chocolate apricot bread makes great toast.

I feel the most comfortable with a pared down visual field. Less clutter means more peace of mind.

Not really sure.

Later, Dude.

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