Monday, January 30, 2012

I believe ...

Lately I have contemplated my beliefs and God. The following thoughts belong to me. If I offend you, then please defriend me or take whatever actions you deem necessary to live your life.

Hypocrisy : 1) a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion.think a religious leader who makes more than $600,000 a meeting, seminar, etc., and does not say where the money goes fits the definition.

I believe true acts of charity remain anonymous. Those who brag about their good deeds seek attention for themselves not for the ones they say they helped.

Man's governments and rulers use religion to control the masses.  We do not seem to learn from history and our mistakes. Each translation of the Bible, and there are dozens and dozens over centuries, reflects the thinking and biases of the translator or those who commissioned the translation. 

Before we judge others, we should examine ourselves. If you believe the Bible, Torah, ancient writings, etc., how can you say imperfections reside in any of us? 

I admire the zeal with which you believe. My relationship with God or a higher being belongs to me. I will not try to change you; do not seek to change me. I can want to learn. To learn, I need to hear everyone's viewpoint.

Everyone shares some common ground. If nothing else, we all fit the category of humanity. Let us emphasize our commonness and learn to overlook the flaws.

You have a permanent place in my heart, Dude.


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