The odyssey of Cindy and the soup begins. I decided soup tasted better to me than anything I had gorged on the past couple of weeks. So even though the temperatures may hit the upper 80s today, soup headlines the menu.
I overdid the grocery shopping. Old Mother Hubbard's cupboards put mine to shame, so off to the grocery I go. Did I choose the neighborhood store? Oh no. I picked Wallyworld. You know, gargantuan Wallyworld. After more than an hour, I began to load the trunk of the car. I got all thousand bags (OK, I exaggerate) loaded. But what to do about the case of water? Fortunately a young man and his family were heading in and I asked him to load the water. His mind must have been miles away because his wife had to translate the request.
I did not have the luxury of a nice young man at home to help with the bags. By now I have zero energy. I burned up half an hour carrying and resting between trips. I toted the water a few bottles at a time.
Putting away the groceries took time as well; however, I am proud to say the ice cream did not melt nor the lettuce wilt. I did. A four-hour nap remedied that situation.
Time to peel potatoes and carrots.
Later, Dude.
I think that's the most difficult part of a grocery trip if I go by myself and end up buying lots of stuff (like I did last week): getting it all into the house and put away! Putting stuff in the cart and getting it into the car is ok. The other stuff is soooo tiring! I hope you're able to make your soup tomorrow, now that you at least have everything to make it! HUGS!