Friday, December 17, 2010

And ..... a-c-t-i-o-n

I woke up today wondering why I am where I am.

My PH dictates the options for me. Going undercover and writing a story about the homeless will not happen. On the other hand, writing about life as a shut-in raises possibilities. I know I am not J.D. Salinger, but writing might be fun to try.

The bed speaks my name promising warmth and comfort. The kitchen shouts in agony as one more dirty dish joins the pile. The boxes line up in the bedroom, assaulting my eyes. A stack of papers litters the top of the printer threatening to topple in avalanche fashion. The floor no doubt has more cat hairs than carpet fiber.

OK, Dude, time for action.


1 comment:

  1. Cindy, the way you write is wonderful. Even when writing about sadness and pain, I can feel the emotions and what you must be going through. I think no matter what you'd write, you'd capture an audience. (((HUGS)))
