Monday, December 13, 2010

Dream weaver

Our subconscious speaks to us through dreams, I have heard.  

As a child, I had a couple of recurring dreams, both involving flying.

In the first, if I held my breath, I could run off the top of the house and fly. The flying was floaty and fun.

The other one I could fly like Peter Pan. I know I had this dream because of Mary Martin's Peter Pan on TV. In my dream, the "wires" that allowed me to fly were spider web fine. They tore and I could not wipe them off my nose and mouth. I felt like I was smothering.

As a young adult, I dreamed I was in a church balcony which was so steep, any false move would hurl me over the edge. A variation of this, which also recurred, involved being lost in a church and climbing many, many stairs.

One dream I have had off and on my whole life disturbs. I hear noises and see flashes of light. I go outside and see bombs falling like firecrackers and I think to myself it is the end of the world.

Nowdays I dream but do not remember. Occasionally I can recall bits and pieces, but if I try too hard, the diaphanous recollections dissipate.

Dream on, guys.

Later, Dude.

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