Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Mom decided because of the weather's harshness to cancel her appointment for the echo and stress test. So now she will not learn anything for another month. I do not blame her for not wanting to get out in subzero degree conditions.

I discovered one of the sides for Tyvaso involves joint and muscle pain. Mr. P decides to hit me first thing in the morning. I get all over Connie about delaying taking medicine for her arthritis pain, yet I hesitate to take Tylenol (just about the only over-the-counter remedy option), because of its affects on the liver. Aspirin conflicts with my other meds and I am not ready to ask for a script.

Both of those friends and I communicated yesterday. Each of us had a unique relationship with you, and in some ways we represent a certain spirit, the same spirit. Like attracts like even though we all are different.

I ate myself into an additional pound yesterday. Something primal about cold weather and eating, I think. I ate two bowls of stew and lots of bread. Comfort food deluxe. I also consumed half a pint of ice cream, a baked potato and two cheese brats. Today, reason takes over (so far).

The sun offers a weak effort this morning, almost as though it needs recharging. The wind blew itself out overnight allowing the cold to take control of the miseries today.

The couch, kitties and blankets call.

Later, Dude.

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