Friday, May 20, 2011

To nap or not to nap, that is the question

For the third day running, I found clothes in my backyard. I put them in a plastic grocery bag and threw the bag onto the upstairs balcony. Apparently the kid who lives up there has yet to figure out that when the wind blows, the clothes blow off the rail. The future leaders of tomorrow?

The boys run around this morning like overstimulated children at Chuck E Cheese, even down to the screaming. I would go back to bed but I am afraid of what I might find when I wake up.

I have two eggs. I am thinking chocolate chip cookies, or I could go take a nap.

Tune in tomorrow to see which I chose. *Appropriate soap opera music* And thus ends another exciting blog post (or as exciting as a PHer's life can be).

Later, as I say, Dude.

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