Monday, July 25, 2011

What I learned today

I ate an heirloom tomato tonight on my ham sandwich. Despite its ugly, not ripe yet look, the flavor knocked me out. I remember that wonderful flavor which most hybrid tomatoes lack.

The one I savored looked much like the tomato in the center, only greener.

I also have enjoyed the fresh squash and purple onion.

Some parts of the city got a bit of moisture this afternoon. Here the sky darkened, but refused to release its bounty. The temperature did drop into the mid-70s briefly, but now rises again.

Pogo and I sat in my chair in the bedroom. He purred awhile, slobbered some and then began a lengthy bath. I stroked his head, ears and chin. I began to brush aside the hair on his leg to the darker hair underneath. He zoned out. He must have seen my finger out of the corner of his eye. I am not sure what he thought, but he kicked me solidly in the chest and sprung out of my lap. Maybe he thought snake? I am thinking a new bruise will appear tomorrow.

Ten little birdies lined the fence this afternoon. Most were youngsters or small, anyway. My fence features a horizontal board about halfway down. The birds would flutter down to that board. It was as if they were leery about landing on the ground where the seeds were, so they played "dare you" until one would get brave enough to go for the seeds. Then another would join the first one, and another. If one of the birds flew away from the top of the fence, the alarm sounds; the bird flee. I know part of the fear remains the heighth of the grass, far taller than the sparrows standing on the ground. I am sure the scents of the neighbor's cats linger too.

Not long until EPL, Dude. I hope we play.


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