Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Cat Who ...

Meet the orphan. She has no momma around, but she knows cat.

Not having a kitten around for nearly nine years, I delighted in the miniature cat. She does all the things big cats do only teeny, tiny. A dynamo for 10 minutes, then, like one of those fainting goats, Morpheus grabs her. She melts into sweetness.

The baby was the victim of a couple of preteen boys who wanted the kitten. After parents of the preteens said absolutely not, the necessity of finding a home for the kitten somehow fell on Connie. She recruited me to hold said kitten while we tried the various shelters in town.

Connie would take the kitten and walk into the facility. A few minutes later, here she came with the kitten in her arms. One shelter killed the animals after three days if not adopted. Another was full. Dozens of calls resulted in no home.

Connie lives in a neighborhood with a continully rotating population of ferral cats. Some well-meaning somebody decided to feed the cats years ago. Feline leukemia runs rampant in the colony and Connie did not want to send the kitten to a life of misery until death took over.

I live in a smallish apartment. I have two cats. I have no doubts my boys would love to have a kitten, especially Satchmo who still has plenty of kitten left in him. I, on the other hand, can barely keep up with the cat food-litterbox cycle. And that issue is but one of many.


I cleaned the sliding glass doors in my bedroom and even gave the porch and walls a brushing with the broom. The glass on the doors had not been cleaned for, well, we will not go there. Now if I could find the energy to do that a couple more times, the glass would be sparkling. While I was slaving away, a yellowjacket decided to leave its mark on my index finger.


Connie took the kitchen curtains to wash. The window's nakedness emphasizes the emptiness. The kitchen does not look lived in although dishes and appliances take up space on the countertops. Lack of color. Dark wood cabinets, yellow range and vent hood, white dishwasher, small appliances and curtains.


Today looks more and more like a rest day. PH sucks.

I miss you, Dude.


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