Saturday, June 12, 2010


Time did no favors for Tom Petty.

Glad the Blackhawks' made Chicago happy since it does not appear any other teams will do so anytime soon.

Boston may be out of luck, too.

The World Cup lead-in on ESPN is a thing of beauty -- the commercials imaginative and fun. The WC draws a huge audience from all over. Truly a universal sport. So far, South Africa's goal dance reigns supreme. South Africa should be proud.

The games themselves seem a bit like a teen at his first dance. Awkward and nervous.

With a few exceptions, when you meet someone, you do not know if the relationship will be anything more than hello.

Pavlov would have figured out his theory twice as fast if he had had a cat and a can opener.

Even though the magnitude of the event outweighs that of the Exxon Valdez in 1989, does the Gulf explosion and disaster get more attention because of its proximity to populated areas? After the Valdez, the U.S. continued on its quest to find oil anywhere at any cost. Apparently greed drives the country more than life itself. We failed to heed those people warning of disaster and what ifs and took the easy way out. Now we have to pay in more than one way. Eventually, if we want to continue our independence, we will have to find alternative fuels. If we had taken the hard route in '89, perhaps we would now be well along the road.

A house of cards eventually crumbles.

You take steps to straighten out your life. You have my support!

Yay, you got that new job. Here's to less stress and more fun.

Does guilt and gladness share more than a "g?"

Are more people developing unusual or rare diseases? Is awareness by both doctor and patient better?

Talking to old friends salves the soul. I need to do that more often.
* * *
I wish I had some Eight O'Clock Coffee to drink in your honor. Miss you, dude.


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