Monday, August 30, 2010

So you will know

Yesterday I accomplished quite a bit. I washed a large stack of dishes, swept and mopped the kitchen, dusted part of the living room and vacuumed the living room. Oh yes, I also cooked onions and hamburger meat, then divided that. With one portion, I made spaghetti, which I had for lunch. I had enough to freeze a meal's worth and still have two meals left in the refrigerator. With the other half, I will add potatoes, cream of mushroom soup and maybe corn. Oh yes, and the best part -- cheese. Voila! At least two more meals.

I am proud of my accomplishments, but today I am drained. Maybe I can get a couple of drawers cleaned out or some files.

The emails I got from a couple of people yesterday brightened my day considerably. My soccer team beat everyone, even Mr. Unknown but Clobbering the Rest of Us. Ha! I got a FB inbox reply which both intrigues and scares me. Scares me in a way that I know I will have to share myself, too. Am I willing to go there? Am I ready?

I also got my feelings hurt. (Figures, that always seems to be a part of my life.) I wish people on FB chat would be upfront. If you are too busy to talk, please just say so. I will understand. That is easier to take than not getting any reply. That I do not understand. The message there says I am third rate and not as important as what you are doing. I feel that way anyway. If you care, please do not compound the way I already feel about myself. The slightest slight sends me over the edge for days.

I know, I know. I should not let others determine how I feel, but somehow it does not work that way.

I am working on myself. I suppose our lives always are works in progress. Sometimes a wall we need to break through to see more clearly proves, in our minds at least, inpregnable.

That calls for help. We need Mighty Mouse to show up to save the day.

Or we need to break out of our Clark Kent mode and head for the phone booth. For you youngin's, I provide a picture of a phone booth in Great Britain. Cell phones pretty much killed phone booths.

What do you think, Dude?



  1. 99% of the time when someone IM's me on FB and I don't answer, it's b/c I've gone away to do something else and I forgot I left myself on there. It's easy to assume someone is being mean and just ignoring you, but I really don't think that's the case!

    Glad you got a lot accomplished, but don't you hate when the next day needs to be a rest day from it?? Take it easy! HUGS :)

  2. This person said hello to me. And then that was all. See what I mean?

  3. Oh sorry CL...I am not on FB as often...sure miss our FB chats..
    You sure accomplished lots, I feel so good when I get things done, but yea, payback is usually hell..I agree we are all a work in progress...Take care and hope to chat with ya soon..Lots of hugs:))
