Saturday, January 9, 2010

Silver & gold

I was just reading about dehydration. I know I have been dehydrated for quite awhile. Even the doctor made a comment the other day. However, I did not know dehydration was that serious. Oh I knew about the poor man crawling in the desert dehydration, but as I sometimes tend to do, my dehydration is not that dehydration. Wrong.

So now I am going to have to drink lots more water for awhile. I am not a water drinker. Coffee, Diet Dr Pepper. That's it. And the Amarillo water is putrid. Bottled water is such a hassle and not good for the environment (there is a whole list of excuses for bottled water). See how good I am making excuses. Such wasted energy.

I have been blessed in my life with wonderful friends.

Connie and I have been friends since we were 13. We have a pretty amazing relationship. I can tell Connie anything. She offers honesty up front couched in a way I can accept.

We share a lot of history. After we grew up, she stayed in Amarillo and I went off to college. I married and divorced. I came back to Amarillo. She married and started having babies. I worked at the newspaper for awhile then got a wild hair and moved to Florida. She remained the rock while I rolled on. I came back and resumed my career at the newspaper. All this time we were there for each other. Huge phone bills (this was preInternet) became part of the budget.

Even now, she tells me what she thinks in such a way that I can absorb it without being defensive. She allows me the space to come to my own conclusion, and then chides me for taking so long to get there.

In turn, I listen to her worry about her sons and their families.

We both spoil our animals and every time we talk, we discuss their eating habits and how aggravating they are. We are turning into old ladies and we laugh defiantly about the signs as they show themselves. Remember, Connie and I are the ones who got that roll of carpet into the trunk of the car as Connie's brother-in-law stood laughing and unbelieving. So we take on old age, too.

Li-li-li-li life goes on.

Some friends have history, some friends have one glorious moment or two. All are part of the great scheme of things. I still miss you greatly, my friend. I refuse to give up until it is time, OK? We two were much alike, maybe we recognized ourselves in each other. Something to wonder about but not pick apart.

I still feel like I have something to prove to you about friendship. I can be gosh awful stubborn at times. Broken or not, there was something within you that was worth knowing. I am eternally grateful that you shared.

Caught the mailman going undercover. Ha.


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