Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tune in for ....

Today's tune stuck in my head is "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da." Wonder if that is a not-so-subtle message? You and I will have to have words about that. Life does go on, but I will carry you right along with me. Sometimes you might not have much to say. That is OK, too. Quit whining, it is a free ride!

The doc who saved my life is growing a man beard. He tells me he likes it whether his wife does or not because he does not have to shave. He indicated the gray was the reason his wife did not like it. To me, the gray is sexy.

Doc says I'm doing good. He wants me to exercise, of course. He asked about my mental health and asked if all the meds were working. A good visit.

I am so lucky to be doing as well as I am. Many of my PH friends have IV meds. They have lots of pain and side effects. And for some of them, even the IV meds are no longer working. That means they face a very real possibility of a tx.

I am still able to do pretty much whatever I want. I do get extra tired if I go to two or three stores in one day. Or try to do too much housework. I become short of breath if I lift more than 10 pounds and try to carry it. That means more trips from the car with groceries.

I no longer can comfortably climb stairs. And cleaning products, especially aerosols, leave me gasping for air. When my friend vacuums, I usually leave because even a fancy vac with a hepa filter does not keep my lungs from being irritated. I am sure the cats add to the problem. But they are not on the table for discussion.

All that said, I am one lucky person. I still must have a role to fulfill before I leave. Save me a place, we have a lot to catch up on.

Did not see hide nor hair of the mailman.


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