Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winding journey

Something has got to give. I am so isolated. Sound familiar? I can see where you were coming from, just a little anyway.

I am furious still with SG. I need to get over this, cause I am only hurting myself. Wonderful words, but in practice, not so easy. I wish I were a bigger person. I need to take lessons from you.

When I think of the adversity you went through in your life, and see for the most part it was not viewed as adversity, I am ashamed I whine. I wish I would quit questioning everything. You were a great friend. You enriched my life in ways no one else has. That is what makes each friend unique. You cared for me. And, as Kim pointed out, we have much in common.

I got to hear your speaking voice a couple of times before the video disappeared off your website. Maybe your mother found offensive the part about the tower looking like it had been smeared with dog shit. Maybe not. After all, she did know you quite well.

Boy, I screwed things up. Let it be.


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