Monday, April 19, 2010

A fine mess

Dude, help! I got myself into another mess. What, oh what, should I do?

Why do I put myself into these situations? Oh, I know part of the answer. I am not, however, dumb. You would think I would learn after how many times? How do I find the balance between me and them?

* * *
Hoarder aply describes my neighbor to the east.

Someone moved her in several years ago. She started sitting outside in a chair she rescued from the trash. She quickly filled the role of greeter. She asks anyone anything and that means telling, too. "Did you know Bertha had to call the ambulance," she asks. I have no idea who Bertha is, but my neighbor assumes I know everyone, too.

Not long after my neighbor moved in, a woman showed up with a carrier. Later I learned guinea pigs came in that carrier. About every two weeks (or so it seemed), she would announce Rebecca had had five babies. All the creatures had Biblical names.

Summer came and the stench from her apartment overwhelmed people walking by. Finally someone complained. The manager told my neighbor she had to eliminate all but two of her babies and clean the place up.

Flash forward to now. The woman with the carrier brought three cats ...
* * *
The profound fled me this morning. I've looked for it with no success. Ready for some mundane? Here goes.

Pogo morphed into the mean eating machine again. Some days he cannot get enough. Yesterday we shared some chicken strips in addition to his usual canned. I may need to take out a loan.

If you know any youngsters you can borrow, go see "How to Tame Your Dragon." I enjoyed seeing the expressions on the faces of the enchanted children as much as I enjoyed the movie. No children available? Treat yourself. Everyone needs to release the inner child occasionally.

T. thank you for taking me into your "college twin" family, sort of, anyway. :-)
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Thanks for listening, as always.


1 comment:

  1. I agree we all need to connect with our inner child at times...:))
