Sunday, March 16, 2014


I am sitting here with my third cup of coffee, already considering a nap. I am sleepy. I have medicines scheduled in a couple of hours, yet I wonder if I could put them off fot a few hours.

In all my 65 years I have never eaten corned beef and cabbage. So Ms. Cook here, who has not had many successful forays into the kitchen lately, will put the beef, onions, potatoes, and spices into a large pan and simmer. Then Cindy O'Leary will celebrate the holiday in style.

I used to know my way around the kitchen pretty well. Not Top Chef well, but good enough for the journalists I worked with. Sometime in the past 10 years or so, my cooking skills tanked. Scrambling eggs can be hit or miss. The whole cooking thing would be easier if I knew what I wanted to eat. I buy items at the store thinking I will make so and so. Or, I have not had such and such for such a long time, I will get that. Once the ingredients are at home in the cabinets, I forget the reason I bought them or I and mentally kick myself. How could I possibly think I would make beef bourguignon?

I will admit cooking this way has one advantage. I have lost about 10 pounds the past year. Apples and peanut butter are stables in my diet. Doc should be happy.

Off for the nap.

Laters, Dude.

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