Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How it

I wish I could explain what depression does to me. How it takes over my life. How it keeps me glued to my chair or bed for hours on end. How I want to cry but cannot muster the energy to do so. How it constantly breaths over my shoulder and whispers in my ear about how unloved and useless I am. How it makes me question my sanity. How it makes me fear that I can never be happy. How it causes me to wonder if anyone really cares or if they pretend to so I will not cling to them for answers. How it eats into my thoughts like a worm eats rotten flesh. How it makes the sunniest day dark and threatening. How it suffocates relationships. How it rides along with me when I go out, buried just beneath the surface, ready to ooze into the conversation. How it chastises me for allowing it to gain such a foothold in my life. How it raises feelings of guilt when I cancel outings time and time again. How it picks me apart until I am a pile of quivering shame. How it permeates me with pain that will not cease.

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