Saturday, December 10, 2011

Seasons in the sun

I awoke to frozen fog. The wind did not blow, but somehow the day looked colder than reality. I snuggled under a blanket and a comforter with the kitties lining my left side. A football game and a couple of basketball games later, I stir from my cocoon. Eight hours later, the gloom prevails. Soon I will seek the warmth of the covers.

This year ends on a note of thankfulness. I am thankful I have gotten to spend quality time with my brother. I think he did not understand what my disease was like. I am older than he by four years. Now he calls about once a week to check on me. I have learned to appreciate my sister-in-law. We went to college together many moons ago. Then we went our separate ways until she met my brother again.

I am thankful for my Facebook friends. I continue to keep in contact with many of the folks I used to work with. Journalists move around. Most of my journalism friends no longer live here. I enjoy seeing their children and themselves growing up. Another group fills my soul with support. They catch me when I fall into despair. They encourage and empathize. A small group of your friends helps me keep a connection, somehow making it more real.

I am thankful for understanding. I am thankful for thoughtfulness. I am thankful for blessings.

Later, Dude.

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