Friday, January 27, 2012

Delirious: Or how I met Dante and others

The bizarre near end began in November with bronchitis. Doc ordered a round of antibiotics and prednisone. I took the prescribed germ fighter and promptly diarrhea came to visit. I quit taking the prednisone.

I felt kinda bad but Christmas came and went without a doc visit. Finally I admitted to myself I was not well. I had stayed in bed for six days. I felt so bad I did not eat. Then thirst overtook me. I drank distilled water because I did not have to get up. I use distilled water in my CPAP.

Clue #1: thirst = fever.

The weather changed and the heat was not on. (Previous days were hot.) I lay on the couch with a comforter and blanket covering me while wearing a nightgown and a long-sleeved shirt. I slept and slept.

Clue #2: cold = not good.

Then the vomiting began. The first time I made it to the kitchen sink. The next time I did not. The fourth time I got to the sink again. I brought a pan back with me to the couch.

To be continued.

Later, Dude.

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