Thursday, November 5, 2015

This and that

Learning not to get upset about things which I have no control, that should be a goal of mine.

The rain woke me briefly last night. I was lying on my side. Pogo was huddled as close to my chest as possible. I wonder if he sought comfort or was offering comfort.

I go see the eye doctor Friday. He will examine my eyes for a reduced price of $5.

I received a letter from Caring Voice. My co-pay for Tracleer covered another year.

What if the counselor does not think I am depressed?

I finished "Salvation on the Small Screen?" The author, a Lutheran minister, watched a Christian broadcast network for 24 hours to write a book about the shows and tv preachers.  She had various friends, among them ministers and regular people, come and go during the 24 hours to watch with her. Though the e-book about drove me crazy with its word and sentence breaks and spacing, I agreed with the conclusion. If you have not figured out the consensus, send me a PM on Facebook and I will be glad to reveal the conclusions reached by her and me.

I seldom hear my new upstairs neighbor. He (I say he though I have never seen the person) apparently works. He leaves early and gets home about 6. No radio, no stereo, just footsteps as he walks. He owns a big silver pickup that barely fits into the allotted parking slot. No company, no loud noises. A perfect neighbor so far.

Tis the season for junk mail. Buy this insurance, buy this life insurance, buy this funeral insurance. The catalogs for cookies, candy and gift baskets fill the mailbox, too. How many trees died to bring me these messages that end up in the landfill? And the poor shredder runs almost every day. Notice how many of the buy this insurance have your name and address printed on each page? A crook's dream. As if the crooks do not have enough fodder to use to prey on older people and people with no brains.

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