Saturday, April 14, 2012

Coming clean

Have you noticed that drawers and shelves manage to overflow when you are not looking? Seemingly overnight my desk drawer ate all the pens and that tack I put in there for safe keeping evaporated.

Organizing takes minimal energy, unless you take on the closet where all the oddball paraphernalia of your life eventually ends up. Then you face the keep it or toss it conundrum. The minute the item hits the Dumpster you find a use for it.

My boys love to help me by exploring the far reaches of a closet where they might find an ancient bug which died a year ago. Momo exits the dark space covered with dust, spider webs and other evidence of his exploration. Pogo uses his paw to help sort by pushing items he considers not worth saving onto the floor. Other objects he tests for their functionality as toys.

Pogo's favorite closet contains towels, tissue and soap. He finds the stack of towels soft and comfy for a respite from all the hard work.

Cleaning takes motivation, but also fuel. Pogo knocks back a couple of cans before beginning, then a nap soon follows. Then maybe one more can before work begins.

I, too, need energy to clean, so I cook a bit of breakfast. Then I need a rest as well, so cleaning takes a backseat for awhile and maybe a day or two.

At my age, I can wear my gown all day and no one cares. And if my drawers are not clean, so what!!

Later, Dude.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! (I'm one of your PHriends, just starting a new blog here). I find drawers to be junk collectors as well anything that has an empty space. We're cleaning more clutter out this year. Some we'll sell, some we'll give away, some we'll throw out. We seem to be creatures of hoarding. lol.
