Thursday, June 14, 2012


Why do I shut down when adversity strikes? I do not think dealing with a situation should present such a.drastic reaction. I am sure sleep resolves nothing but if I am sleeping, I do not have to face the situation and make a decision or take action.

My car decided to spring a leak in the fuel line Sunday. I called the mechanic yesterday. He says do not drive the car. I drove it a couple of times before calling the mechanic. So now I have to call a tow company to have the car taken in. The mechanic said he has been busy, so I will be without a car for a few more days.

Later, Dude.

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing! Not all the time, but often, I find that when I wake, I feel better equipped to handle the situation. My brain continues to shut down until it's ready to cope.

    Long ago, I read that your brain continues to problem-solve while you sleep. Can't remember where I read that or if it was a trustworthy source but it sure sounds good! I say, keep sleeping until you're good and rested. :-)

    I saw you disabled your FB. I miss you! Hope you're feeling chipper-er soon.

