Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hi ho, hi ho

The chore fairy failed to show, so I guess I will tackle the gigantic list today.

First on the agenda: make soup. My little soup takes a 7-quart pot. By the time I add all the veggies, the concoction could feed dozens or myself  two meals a day for more than a week. A double recipe for cornbread just about fills out the week. Yummm!!! Good eatin'. I also will make some sort of cake or pudding.

Also on the to-do list: clean outside of kitchen cabinets with Murphy Oil Soap then Old English; sweep and mop kitchen; vacuum and dust; file bills and notices that threaten to spill out of the basket onto the floor; change the bedding; and the usual wash the dishes and clean the cat box.

The Pulmonary Hypertension Association declared November as PH awareness month. I have PH and I understand the importance of information, after all, my doc knew fairly quickly what my symptoms indicated. Other folks are not so lucky. Doctors tell them that their shortness of breath will disappear if they lose weight and exercise. Other docs might diagnose asthma or COPD. Only a right heart cath tells for sure if one has PH. I appreciate all the efforts of my fellow FBers who have PH, but I feel with the new settings on FB, that perhaps the messages should target nonPHers, not all of us all the time. Preaching to the choir.

The temperatures fell into the 20s two nights in a row. I expect to say bye-bye to the green any day now.

Hey Dude, you would be proud of my EPL efforts. (OK. The kiss of death hovers now.) Off to work.


1 comment:

  1. Holy carp, I sure hope you pace yourself with all those chores!! Soup sounds good, I should make some again soon!! (((HUGS)))
