Friday, February 3, 2012

Neglect of an old friend

I pushed writing to the back burner. My social calendar does not brim over with entries, rather I ping with energy I lost the past three months.

Cooking sparks my interest now. I fear my love will wane much like the exercise passion. Eating healthy takes effort and planning. OCD takes hold and before long, I burn out.

The bread pudding with the Kahlua sauce ranks with Mississippi mud cake as one of my best concoctions. I took a recipe from the SPS economists' cookbook and improvised a bit. I added about 1/4 cup chopped walnuts. I used the cookbook sauce recipe as a base and added Kahlua instead of bourbon. I am thinking melted chocolate pieces for the next pudding with Craisins and almonds. Not sure about the sauce for this version.
Sayonara, stress
I spend time reconnecting with many of my FB friends. Touching base with more than 600 folks can take a huge hunk of my day. I try to post something to all, just so they know I have not forgotten them and I care. I did learn over this hiatus from health that some folks, for whatever reason, I do not mix well with.  These people espouse their beliefs, whether they know that or not, that border on fanatical. I find intolerance hard to handle. The narrow-mindedness only causes me stress.
Holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent free in your head. ~Anonymous
So I am beginning to dispose of some stressors in my life.
Another facet
I also want to plan a better system for cleaning. Some chores require daily attention; others not so often. I need to allot myself down time as well.

Sometimes I forget I am a 63-year-old woman with two life-threatening diseases/conditions. I suppose, since I fail the know your own body test, I am my own worst enemy. Am I too old to reform? Change, though I often pretend otherwise, means growth and sometimes pain. When a person fails to grow, something dies -- a spark that stirs the soul.

I miss you, Dude.


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