Saturday, February 25, 2012

A shadow of its former self

I quit spending so much time on FB.

When I first joined the social site, I enjoyed reading what pressed on the minds of my friends. In its infancy, FB offered beyond the next turn entertainment and connectedness. A group of friends played one of the games together and we often ran into each other on the farm.

I enjoyed catching up with friends I had not seen since high school. I found many former colleagues who had gone on from Amarillo to long careers in journalism along with a couple of kids and a dog or cat or two.

Gradually the mood on FB changed. Rather than our own words, platitudes fill the spaces. Political statements come after Dalai Lama quotes, which come after testimonials for deities, which comes after Florence + the Machine. Mix in a bit of news from various sources and the site becomes impersonal -- all of us hiding behind these postings of who we would like to be.

I have changed as well. I am stuck in neutral. Gonna be windy today. Can't go outside. Gonna be cold. Stay inside. Rancid describes daytime TV.

Time to make some changes. Taking the first step soon.

Miss you much, Dude.


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