Saturday, February 19, 2011

Here today, gone tomorrow

The windows are open for the third day in a row. The pushing and shoving between the boys brought the kitchen curtain down. Sunshine can be a great impetus.

I shall add thoughts as I take cleaning breaks.

* Sunhine makes me happy.

* Cloudy defines the kitchen window.

* Mind over matter.

* Cleaning products make breathing harder.

* I saw spaghetti sauce splatters in the most unlikely places.

* Cleaning people deserve every penny they get.

*The adventure in the kitchen quickly draws to an end.

* I may not be able to wiggle tomorrow.

* The apartment would always be dirty if I paced myself. When the energy hits means the Boston Marathon.

* I am witholding food from the boys. Bad me, bad me.

* The time between breaks gets shorter and shorter.

* I am trying.

Later, Dude.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was just me that had a harder time breathing when cleaning products abound. Thanks for making me feel normal. Have a good day and enjoy the windows being opened. It'll be a long time before we get three days in a row for it.
