Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nothing worse than ...

plumbing trouble, car trouble or insurance hassles. This time plumbing wins. A hot water pipe buried in the concrete slab underneath the bathroom vanity sprung a leak. The guys (three of them) spent most of the first day removing the vanity, mirror and toilet and then jackhammering until they found the leak. They temporarily patched the leak and left for the night.

Day 2: At 8:45 a.m. one of the guys rings the doorbell and tells me he needs an inventory of supplies so they could order for the day. I ask them not to come until 9:30. I grabbed some clothes, brushed my hair, did a treatment, took pills and left with a note on the door for them to be vigilant about the kitties. I spent most of the day with Connie and her youngest grandson. When I got home, the three guys had packed up for the day. Still no toilet, although the vanity sits in its usual place. Somehow the guys managed to cut the top of the vanity and it does not fit back like it did. And, since the toilet still sits on the patio (do not tell Jeannie about this, she would be planting violets or something!), I will get to share company with the three guys tomorrow, too.

As for my boys, I found both of them in the lower kitchen cabinet. Yesterday, Pogo, the nosey one, would sneak a look at the bathroom and the second one of the guys moved, Pogo would run low to the ground back to his hidey hole.

Miss you, Dude.



  1. Oh Dear..that's horrible. I hope they get it all fixed and in a timely manner. Love ya!

  2. The Jeannie comment was funny! Hope your apartment returns to normal very soon!! (((HUGS)))
