Saturday, April 25, 2015

Failed overture

Today I sent a message to someone who thus far refused my efforts at apologizing for something that I must have done. I tried one more time and got no reply. I have known this person for a long time. This rebuff of my efforts to apologize and become Facebook friends sent me spiraling into a pit of self-pity.

I've tried my best to redeem myself, now I must consider the issue a failure and move on. I cannot allow one person to affect my quality of life anymore. I am 66, and have two major lung diseases. Whatever time I have remaining on this earth should be spent with those who appreciate me, warts and all.

See, I talk a good talk, but sometimes my carry through fails.

For now, I blocked that person. I will take another anti-anxiety pill, and try to focus on those people who do care about me.

I wish you were still here, dude. You could talk me out of a blue funk in no time.


  1. You've tried several times to make amends with that person. It's up to them now in what they want to do, and it's obvious they've made their choice. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's now their problem, and not yours. Believe me, it's something I've had to learn myself. It's not easy, but like you said, focus on those people who DO care about you. Because there are many of them. Like me! <3

  2. I get caught up in that, too, Cindy. It's a terrible cycle. Concentrate on your 10 percent of the 10-80-10 Rule. The person holding the grudge is the person with the problem. Don't let it become yours. You've done your part. And it's OK if that person doesn't want to be in your life. We just have to accept it and move on. You're still a kind, beautiful and worthwhile human being who makes a difference in others' lives. Focus on that. :-) and hugs.
