Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The worst of times

The only thing I seem to be able to do right now involves sleep. I do not have the concentration or motivation to read. Watching tv I find my mind wanders. For the past two days I have been stuck in the house waiting for a call from my psychiatrist's helper. I left word Friday with the staff about my problem. They would take care of it they said. They did not. On Monday I called and left word again. Still no response, but I got a call from the drug company that I have until the 16th for the helper to call or they would scrap the order. I called this morning at 9 a.m. when the office opened asking to have the helper call me. At 1 p.m. still no call, so I call again. I ask if the helper calls back at specific times. The receptionist said the helper would call me later this afternoon. This whole mess causes me major anxiety, the reason I see the psychiatrist in the first place. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The fruit fly problem nears critical mass. I discovered larvae crawling on the floor. I now put all food scraps in plastic bags in the freezer until I can take them out to the garbage. Nothing goes in the plastic garbage bags except paper which has not touched food. I did try the vinegar, dish soap, sugar mix in a glass that sits on the kitchen cabinet. There are about 20 or so dead fruit flies at the bottom of the glass. A few more die hards buzz around the kitchen. Sooner or later they will go for the sugar water, too. I stand over Pogo while he eats and when he walks away I whisk away his dish to put into a plastic bag until he wants more. If he eats all of it, I wash the bowl immediately. The back door no longer stands open, in fact the boys are no longer allowed outside. I WILL win this battle. I have mopped the kitchen floor with bleach and stand by with bleach wipes in case Pogo spills or dribbles.

I got the first box of birthday steaks from my brother Friday but I am not hungry enough to thaw one out to cook. Nothing and I mean nothing sounds good. Maybe I will lose those 10 pounds I gained recently.

The fires in northern California near my friend Sylvia's house. Her son and husband had to evacuate to a Wal-Mart in a couple of towns away. I know she is in heaven worrying about her boys.

1 comment:

  1. Are you at least eating SOMETHING?

    I wish I knew the magic words or prayers or incantations to rid of you of this horrible depression but all I come up with are the standard useless platitudes. I think of you often; I'm glad you're still posting on Facebook.
