Thursday, July 7, 2011

Soapbox 2

I am pretty darn tired of all the trash talking that passes for politics these days. The two major parties of this country spend more time and energy digging up dirt on their opponents than doing the jobs they were elected to do.

Some folks on FB believe the rumors that recycle themselves every six months or so. The crafty political machine works much the same way. Shout loud enough and commentary soon seems like the truth. Thus masses of folks believe so and so actually was spawn by a space alien and his henchmen cover up the truth.

The masses go day to day barely hanging on above the abyss of homelessness and hunger. They want a better life, so they vote for the man or woman who says he or she can change the pattern.

Knee-jerk reaction often backfires. When one jumps to conclusions or speaks before having all the facts in hand, disaster usually happens. We cannot take it back.

*She steps down off the soapbox*

Gosh Dude, I sure miss you.


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