Saturday, June 4, 2011

¡Ay, caramba!

I can hear you now. "See. I told you they should have gotten rid of Bradley." Yeah, yeah. Just a friendly. Half the U.S. side rested or were hurt. Yeah, yeah.  The same could be said for Spain's side. All the countries prepare for the qualifiers. Lots of exciting soccer.

I felt pretty awful the past few days. Stress does that to you. The apartment falls around my ears. Amazing how quickly neat and tidy becomes disaster city. Cooking gives way to aimless staring in the refrigerator and cabinets.

I lie on the couch and find myself up in a minute or two to .....

feed one or both cats.

get something to drink.

turn on the air conditioner.

turn off the air conditioner.

see if what I crave magically appeared.

Then I lie down. In a few minutes, the cycle starts over.

Speaking of which ....

Later, Dude.

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