Friday, June 17, 2011

A cheap lesson

People fascinate me. From the Walmart crowd to the folks who tell all on FB, I would love a peek inside their heads. Some guys have control issues; others seem to live in a goody-two-shoes world where one answer covers all woes. Some fit the description of all hat and no cattle. Some friends apply caution to extremes; others do not know that definition.

People with their foibles add spearmint to the gum. Want to know a secret? If you keep your own mouth closed, you will learn about someone else faster. Cultivate listening. You will earn priceless rewards. You will learn you are not alone.

Falling into the "Oh woe is me" trap happens without effort and often without awareness. If you want to change your life, try changing someone else's anonymously.

OK, enough CL's philosophy for one session.

I still remember, Dude.


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