Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ends and odds

Can one have writer's block and not be a writer?

The affirmative seems highly likely. I have started today's post many times. I mean how hard can random thoughts be? Did I suddenly run out of them? And what is the opposite of random thoughts? Definite thoughts? Are all thoughts not definite?

Now that I have cleared that up, I can try for random again.

You know we shared a physical trait. I found the gap between your front teeth enduring. I have one too, and I have always been self-conscious about it. I am betting that was why you did not smile in pictures.

Kirsop must be making a killing with the betting coupons. The lads, including Torres, have made him more than a few quid. 'pool still sucks though.

One of my close PH friends is being evaluated for a tx today. She is a young mother of three. I told her she could not die on me. I could not take another death right now. Which sounds awfully selfish of me to be thinking of myself. But I can't help it. Your death devastated me. I am not prepared for another.

In many ways, that last week of your life we were in denial. We talked about the end. But almost in the same breath we were talking about our choices for Europa. Is that because we could not deal with the inevitable except in small doses?

Life is what it is: a paradox.

No mailman for me, thanks.


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