Saturday, December 26, 2009

Written in the heart

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together...there is something you
must always are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think, but the most important thing is, even if we're
apart...I'll always be with you." ~ Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh was one of my heroes when I was a child. My daddy read "The House at Pooh Corner" to me more than once. I remember giggling at the tiddly poms; my dad always made them fun.

The books offer great life lessons to adults, too. An author is pretty darn talented when he can write a series that catches the fancy of kids and adults, too. Critics say Milne and his son did not have a storybook relationship. Perhaps that is why Christopher Robin and Winnie were such good friends. Milne sought to rewrite his life, and that of his son, in a more perfect way.

I suppose most authors have their demons. Writing seems to be one way to pry the dark thoughts from the recesses of the mind. Maybe their exposure will somehow change their very nature. Or at least give voice to them so they might be managed.

Friendship is a story of life written in the heart. Some pages are never filled in and some contain so many words they are squeezed into every possible space. On some pages the writing is so messy the words are hard to read. Days, months, years later you finally understand what they say. Other pages the writing is perfect and the message is quite clear and brief.

I miss you my friend. What an impact you made.

The mailman might come today, but I will not be there to greet him.


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