Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taking care of business

Pardon me while I step on my soapbox.

I listened to a woman tell me about her life's woes. Though I do not know her well, she talked on and on about how she would rip so-and-so's head off, how she disowned part of her family.

I now see the result of parents who had to have a child or two to go along with their Lexus and private club membership. Go, go, go. Ever on the way up. More, more, more. Those children were deprived of what they really needed -- direction, limits, a true picture of the world.

Lump those kids in with the ones who parent themselves because of single moms who struggle to make ends meet or simply use the children to get money for themselves. Streetwise at 7.

You end up with adults who are emotional infants and expect to have life handed to them or adults who think life has no value -- kill or be killed.

*stepping down*

Each day I tell myself I will get some work done in the apartment. Each day I crawl back into bed. Meanwhile the cats have made a total mess of the place, well, their share anyhow.

Enough procrastination. On to the dirty dishes.

Later, Dude.

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