Monday, March 21, 2011

As Gomer would say, surprise, surprise

Nothing in life surprises me much anymore. Maybe because I took the jaded journalist thing to heart. I always have skepticism readily available. The paradox in this:  I believe for the best from people. Sometimes I get burned. Sometimes two or three times. I take that knowledge with me but often ignore what I should not.

Do people display their tortured souls because they are indeed tortured? Do they convince themselves they are tortured or play a role so long they lose their real selves to ones they have created? The internet, though a great tool, also can cause great deceptions or out-and-out scams. Yet the gullible get sucked in every day.

We process every moment differently than our friends. A typed sentence might not convey the same message to all, partly because we put our own emphasis on the words. We wanted to hear the words this way when the speaker meant something entirely different. Our experiences color remarks with no clues to their true meaning.

Why write a public blog? Validation. Self-centeredness. Looking for answers; looking for questions.

When you stir the pot, you never know what will come to the surface.

I feel a nap coming on.

Miss you, Dude.

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