Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy trails

Empathy has a way of getting me into trouble. The trait forges a link between me and others, but also causes great pain.

Like a pack mule heading into a canyon on a steep, narrow, winding path, the possibility of falling hovers in the air like vultures waiting for carrion. The heavier the burden, the more treacherous the journey. Danger lines the pathway. Varmints of all ilk hide, waiting to startle. Some burrow in crevices preparing to throw down stumbling blocks. Others living to inject their brand of venom into the unwary.

The load shifts, chafing. With each weary step, the destination lies farther and farther away. Barbs strike the psyche, chipping away at the remaining reserves. The heavy load taking its toll precipitates a race, with life the prize. Is the canyon floor around the next bend or will the load finally break the back of the bearer?
* * *
I care, Dude.


1 comment:

  1. CL, I love your post. You are such a creative writer. I know you have lots of experience. I do enjoy reading.
    Hope things are better with you, I have not been the best with keeping up lately. Hugs to ya..:))
