Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ah, come on, cooperate

I am not ready to give in yet. My body keeps throwing obstacles in the way. I no longer can do more than one or two tiny chores a day. I feel lazy and worthless. The apartment gets dustier and the carpet looks like a vacuum has not touched its pile.

Today I did the dishes and went to lunch with Boopie. I enjoyed the visit and the food. I had plans of hitting the grocery store after lunch. I found myself stepping into my apartment, taking my clothes off and doing nothing.

Where did my energy go? I know pneumonia and two weeks of bronchitis take the umph out of me. My mind says yes and my body refuses to budge. I try to maintain patience, but sometimes it eludes me. I can be thankful that some energy will return, however long it takes. Some people will never have that.

Signing off for now.

Later, Dude.

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