Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What now?

I never planned to retire. Oh, I put aside a minimal amount of money in what started out as a profit sharing plan and eventually became a 401k. That kind of retire I did do.

I mean the kind of retire in which you must fill your days. I did not even imagine retirement much. I think, as a young reporter, I imagined a retirement of sleeping, followed by changing my body clock back to its natural cadence. When I started traveling with my job, I imagined going places I wanted to go.

I am not that confidence-filled retiree however. I would love to travel. My health ranks as the No. 1 hindrance to those ideas followed closely by anxiety attacks.

I know when my body finally gets over this latest episode, I will view the world differently. Right now the sun battles the wind and the air suffocates rather than rejuvenates.

Cats really do sleep all day. I guess me being at home makes it hard for them to hide their formerly secret life.

I wonder why the word bloat evokes thoughts of a whale?

Later, Dude.

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