Sunday, March 18, 2012

Good day

Today begins with overcast skies and a slight breeze. The temperature allows me to open the door. The boys take the opportunity to catalog the spring aromas and wildlife that makes stops in my yard. The yard continues to grow uncontrollably. Yesterday an army of flying bugs hovered over the tall grass. The lone tree, believing the weeds that think spring arrived, sports a delicate green shawl of leaf buds.

The peacefulness of a Sunday morning lulls me with its charm. I am filled with joy -- I am alive and happy.

I include an effort to photograph the flying bugs with no luck. The other shot shows an unhappy Pogo who has to remain indoors. He would love to get closer to those fascinating smells and bits of dried grass blowing across the patio. Who knows, he might capture a vicious fly or maybe a bird.

I miss you still my friend.


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