Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1. 2.

Lists serve me well. Lists can offer tangible proof when I meet objectives. A satisfied feeling that comes when you mark through that chore. While making the list weighs heavily, the actual doing takes a conscious effort.

Today's list looks like this:

  • wash dishes
  • sweep kitchen floor
  • buy catfood
  • vacuum
I bet there is a cat and a half worth of hair in the carpet. Those bagless vacuums work really well. You see the proof with your eyes of what your unseen environment is like. Also suspended in the vortex, fine gray dust. Not dirt dust. It appears to be cement dust or some other such hard-on-the-lungs particles.

EPL. Saturday. Dude.


1 comment:

  1. i hear ya on the cat fur. do your cats do the same as mine? when i vaccum they wait till i'm done and then pick a fight with each other...whala!! cat fur on the carpet again. Have a good night
