Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love, love, love

We loved with a love that was more than love.
--Edgar Allan Poe

My parents shared life for almost 50 years. Did their love burn after all that time or was it more like a comfy old pair of jeans?

After the initial romance becomes familiar, true measure of love begins. Life hurls hardballs. Whether it's homers or strikeouts, team effort counts the most.

Love comes in many forms. The Greek language offers several words for love, each with a specific meaning -- agape, eros, philia, and storge.

English, as a language, falls short. Love no longer carries much meaning. After all, we "love your hair," "love that movie," "love that song" -- commercializations of a meanful word.

Love is none of the labels we attach to it. Cars, houses, bank accounts, pets are things. Love is not a thing. Sometimes we fail to see this.

We celebrate love today mostly with things. Try to see with your heart today, not your eyes. What goes around, comes around.

Dude, I love you.


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