Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sickness blues

Found out earlier the drug company holds my bosentan shipment hostage because the computer says I have no insurance.

Mind you, I called the insurance company twice before the web site said coverage ended. Both times the women assured me, no break in coverage, no change in coverage, no problem. A mere change in status from COBRA to disability insurance. An extention for another 11 months. Well apparently the change takes awhile to get from one computer to another. And even with all the precautions I took to make sure there would not be a problem, there was a problem.

I understand why the drug company would not want to ship a $6,000 medicine just on my say so that I do indeed have insurance. A doctor's visit likely was not paid for either.

I have enough bosentan for two more days. The insurance company rep said she would put a rush on the fix. We will see which one wins.

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