Sunday, June 20, 2010

Welcome to my world

Keeping healthy becomes my latest occupation. Walking the tightrope between the old me and the new me, with a net, thank goodness. You see, in my mind, I am young yet. However, the container for my essence comes with nicks and scrapes collected for years. Now it begins to weaken and shriek. Mind over body? Sometimes, maybe, but not now.

The latest round in this push-pull between my mind and body features a cough (bronchitis), swelling, SOB and some chest pain. Diuretics rid my feet, ankles and legs of the extra baggage, but I got up no fewer than three times in the night with ankle cramps. I gulped orange juice, water and Diet DP to hydrate a depleted body. Such a balancing act with less and less room for error.

The salt shaker and I had to end a 40-some-odd-year relationship. It took awhile to shake the habit, but now I find most restaurant food too salty and use sea salt sparingly at home. Because of a monkey named tobacco, I lost nearly all sense of smell and much sense of taste. Oh yes, and nearly half my lung function.
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Happy Father's Day, daddy.
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Death does not win any beauty prizes.
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I remember still, dude.



  1. I hope you start feeling better soon. I worry about you! HUGS!

  2. Hope you feel better!! Lots of HUGS!!! :))
