Friday, March 5, 2010

It's about me

Many times I am torn between what I want to do to help someone and promises I made to someone else. No matter what I do, I worry over the decision. That represents the fixer in me, and, to a certain extent, the mother. The hard part is accepting some problems cannot be fixed.

Every now and then, I decide I know my role in life. Conclusion today: a sort of bench/utility/sub. I come in to give the stars a hand, then go back to the bench.

I am detailed oriented and organized. This serves me well. And did I mention I am the proud owner of a pretty darn good memory? I like people: talking with them, observing them. It's the reporter/copy editor, yin/yang of my personality.

I have spent a majority of my life not seeing myself somehow. Maybe because I have been so busy trying to fix others, I failed to see I need to fix me. I am not totally broken, I just need some TLC. I often forget I am a worthy person. Maybe I need to put reminders on the calendar.

Thanks, dude.


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