Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well it happened.

Connie and I went to the store to get some walnuts yesterday. I also wanted to look at the tomato soup. I had some great tomato soup for lunch.

Without warning, I became dizzy. I reached out for the shelf in front of me and told Connie I was dizzy. The next thing I know, I am on the floor and I hear someone say, "Stay there, the floor is nice and cool."

I have passed out like that three or four times, but never in such a public place. Once I sat up, I felt fine. No dizzy, no nausea, nothing -- except a headache, which went away on its own, and a few bruises.

Yes, I called the doc. I told the nurse what happened. I hope to see the doc, who has been out of town, today or soon.
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Through the generosity of a kind man, I have new music to warm my soul -- and it does, oh how it does!
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Reconnecting with friends blesses me. Each of you feeds my inner self.
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Connecting with new people satisfys the cravings.
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Without the Net I would not know Tamaryn, who lives in South Africa. Or Bug (Aaron) who lives in New Zealand or Ben who is from Liverpool and lives in Vietnam. Amazing, huh?
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Regina haunts me and makes me cry.


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