Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pan ick

I awakened sometime during the night, the covers a tangled mess. I made a trip to the bathroom where nausea, cold sweats and woozieness came over me like gangbusters.

Panic attack. In the middle of the night. At least now it has a name.

Yesterday I felt the uneasiness creeping slowly like a cloud blocking the sun. Connie and I were heading toward the restaurant when I told her I could not do it. She brought me home. How I love Connie for understanding. She has witnessed more than one of my attacks, though the symptoms ebbed this time when I got home.

The first episode I remember clearly was at Connie's duplex in the early 1970s. She, her boyfriend and I were talking. I got up, went into the kitchen, and boom! I remember wondering if I were having a heart attack. Truly.

Panic attacks display similar symptoms. They wash over me. I feel like I am suffocating. My heart races. Usually I stumble to bed and lie there until I can get my breathing under control. Then I am a soggy mess.

I am unsure of the duration of these attacks. I am too busy being woozy. At the time, they seem to go on and on.
* * *
Observation: I made a hamburger for supper last night. It took four knives to do so: one for the onion, one for the mayonnaise, one for the cheese and one for the tomato.
* * *
This morning I am going to visit Bruce while Tanya runs some errands. Perhaps I will get a chance to read another chapter in the Woodward book. And of course receive a good dose of Al. Al does not know decorum.
* * *
I hope your Irish eyes smiled.



  1. Hi CL,
    Hope that you are having a much better day.
    Manny has woke me up at night(him) having a panic attack. I know its no fun.

    Hugs & Love to ya :))

  2. Thanks, Jen. You are the best!!

  3. Cindy, I know the feeling! I had my very first panic attack last summer. AWFUL!

    I hope you are better today.

