Monday, March 22, 2010

Your turn

I will be the first to admit I know nothing about healthcare reform. I never watch newscasts.

The flurry of posts on FB about the bill's passage makes it seem like armageddon, a tsunami and every other natural disaster rolled into one. A few of the posters, who like me have serious, chronic illnesses, rave about the good the bill will do. I have no opinion other than I think neither will happen in my lifetime.

I believe career politicians of both parties fall prey to a drug called power. A little taste of it leads to an insatiable, gnawing hunger. Few, if any, can stave off the cravings. When lobbyists and special interests of all ilk start tossing out the freebies, the fresh faced innocents from Podunk, Texas, cannot say no. An emaciated dog that guards raw steak sooner or later will eat.

Congress passes bills every day that no one reads and many do not understand. These bills do not draw the hue and cry that healthcare has. These laws change lives, too, and in insidious ways. Where are the protesters and propaganda machines then?

Big business, which drives all the news organizations, has gained control. Journalists play at being the watchdog for the people. But in reality, the muckrakers have died and new ones are killed at birth.

That scares me. Think about it. Controlled news. Gain control of the press and gain control of the public mind.

We all can speak freely -- still.

I have had my say. Your turn.
* * *
I would love to know what you think.


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